#!/bin/bash #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## ## @Synopsis Functions for dealing with account and group generation etc. ## @Copyright Copyright (C) 2004 The Source Mage Team ## A library to help deal with managing accounts, particularly creating ## new accounts. ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCOUNT_LIST=$GRIMOIRE/accounts GROUP_LIST=$GRIMOIRE/groups #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## Tests account and group list if there are no duplicate ID's. In ## case there are, exits since this is serious problem #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function sanity_checks() { local COUNT1=$( cut -d : -f2 "$ACCOUNT_LIST" | wc -l ) local COUNT2=$( cut -d : -f2 "$ACCOUNT_LIST" | sort -u | wc -l ) if [ $COUNT1 != $COUNT2 ]; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Fatal error, $ACCOUNT_LIST contains duplicate UID's${DEFAULT_COLOR}" exit 1 fi COUNT1=$( cut -d : -f2 "$GROUP_LIST" | wc -l ) COUNT2=$( cut -d : -f2 "$GROUP_LIST" | sort -u | wc -l ) if [ $COUNT1 != $COUNT2 ]; then message "${PROBLEM_COLOR}Fatal error, $GROUP_LIST contains duplicate GID's${DEFAULT_COLOR}" exit 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param system account ## @param [home directory] - default used when not defined or empty ## @param [shell] - default used when not defined or empty ## @param [secondary gids] - comma separated list with ## no intervening whitespace ## ## Creates account (if account has been defined). ## @return 0 if success (or account already exists). ## @return 1 if failed (or account has not been defined). ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function create_account() { # sanity_checks local HOME_DIR=/var/run/$1 if [ -n "$2" ]; then HOME_DIR="$2" fi local USER_SHELL=/bin/false if [ -n "$3" ]; then USER_SHELL="$3" fi local SECONDARY_GIDS='' if [ -n "$4" ]; then SECONDARY_GIDS="-G $4" fi if ! exists_account "$1" ; then debug "libgrimoire" "create_account() - $1 not defined!" return 0 # should return 0 to gracefully continue casting. fi local ACCOUNT_UID=`get_uid_for_account $1` local PRIMARY_GID=`get_primary_gid_for_account $1` local PRIMARY_GNAME=`get_group_name $PRIMARY_GID` debug "libgrimoire" "create_account() - $1, UID=$ACCOUNT_UID, GID=$PRIMARY_GID:$PRIMARY_GNAME, HOME=$HOME_DIR, SHELL=$USER_SHELL, SECONDARY_GIDS=$4" groupadd -g $PRIMARY_GID -f $PRIMARY_GNAME # check for adding user problems and try to notify user. useradd -u $ACCOUNT_UID -g $PRIMARY_GNAME $SECONDARY_GIDS -d "$HOME_DIR" -s "$USER_SHELL" $1 local USERADD_RETURN=$? debug "libgrimoire.create_account()" "useradd return code was: $USERADD_RETURN" if [ $USERADD_RETURN == 0 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The user id $ACCOUNT_UID created!${DEFAULT_COLOR}" elif [ $USERADD_RETURN == 4 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The user id $ACCOUNT_UID already exists, so continuing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 0 elif [ $USERADD_RETURN == 9 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The user name $1 already exists, so continuing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 0 else debug "libgrimoire.create_account()" "useradd fails with strange code : $USERADD_RETURN" message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Something went wrong with adding the user $1 with uid $ACCOUNT_UID" message "and gid $PRIMARY_GNAME so going to stop here...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param system group ## ## Creates group (if group has been defined). ## @return 0 if success (or group already exists). ## @return 1 if failed (or group has not been defined). ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function create_group() { # sanity_checks if ! exists_group "$1" ; then debug "libgrimoire" "create_group() - $1 not defined!" return 0 # should return 0 to gracefully continue casting. fi local GROUP_GID=`get_gid_for_group $1` debug "libgrimoire" "create_group() - $1, GID=$GROUP_UID " groupadd -g $GROUP_GID $1 > /dev/null 2>&1 local GROUPADD_RETURN=$? debug "libgrimoire.create_group()" "groupadd return code was: $GROUPADD_RETURN" if [ $GROUPADD_RETURN == 0 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The group name $1 with id $GROUP_GID has been created!${DEFAULT_COLOR}" elif [ $GROUPADD_RETURN == 4 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The group id $GROUP_GID already exists, stopping here...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 elif [ $GROUPADD_RETURN == 9 ] ; then message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}The group name $1 already exists, so continuing...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 0 else debug "libgrimoire.create_group()" "groupadd fails with strange code : $GROUPADD_RETURN" message "${MESSAGE_COLOR}Something went wrong with adding the group $1 with gid $GROUP_GID" message "so going to stop here...${DEFAULT_COLOR}" return 1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param gid ## ## @Stdout group name ## returns that name assigned to a group id. ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_group_name() { if grep -q ":$1:" $GROUP_LIST; then grep ":$1:" $GROUP_LIST | cut -d : -f1 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param system account ## ## @Stdout group ids ## Return list of group id's assigned to account name. ## All except primary ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_gids_for_account() { if grep -q "^$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST; then ENTRY=`grep "^1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST` i=4 while [[ `echo $ENTRY | cut -d : -f$i` ]] ; do NEW=`echo $ENTRY | cut -d : -f$i` GROUPS="$GROUPS $NEW" let i++ done fi return $GROUPS } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param system account ## @return 0 if exists ## @return 1 if not ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function exists_account() { grep -q "^$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param named system account ## @Stdout UID ## Outputs the UID for the named system account ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_uid_for_account() { if grep -q "$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST; then grep "^$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST | cut -d : -f2 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param named system group ## @Stdout GID ## Outputs the GID for the named system group ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_gid_for_group() { if grep -q "$1:" $GROUP_LIST; then grep "^$1:" $GROUP_LIST | cut -d : -f2 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param named system account ## @Stdout GID ## ## Outputs the GID for the named system account ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function get_primary_gid_for_account() { if grep -q "$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST; then grep "^$1:" $ACCOUNT_LIST | cut -d : -f3 fi } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @param system group ## @return 0 if exists ## @return 1 if not ## #--------------------------------------------------------------------- function exists_group() { grep -q "^$1:" $GROUP_LIST } #--------------------------------------------------------------------- ## @License ## ## This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## #---------------------------------------------------------------------